As Tiny Studios grows we are adamant that our sustainable efforts remain central to the work we do. The introduction of a sustainable programme will ensure we stay conscious and implement a green way of production at every level. 

Tiny by Name, Big by Nature

At Tiny we recognise the importance of sustainability: simple things like offsetting shoots, keeping documents digital, printable email send outs to clients with less ink usage all contribute to small-scale, but nonetheless vital efforts to push for more sustainable operations at Tiny. 

We also support tree planting projects with Ecologi. So far Tiny has surpassed the 1k trees planted target and we’re hoping to have planted a total of 5,000 trees within the next 10 years.

In production, the main sources of carbon emissions stem from transport and energy usage - Tiny takes steps to reduce these through shared lifts or the use of public transport for location filming. Where possible, when using freelancers for location shoots, Tiny try to commission freelancers locally to reduce travel from the base in London, whilst additionally bringing business to these areas.

We love working with clients that share similar values and approaches on sustainability.

We aim to keep all of our marketing digital which you can follow through our website, our social media or our email newsletter (sign up here - you know you want to!). We love to speak to our clients in person where possible but understand that this is not always the best way to keep our carbon footprint down. In this case, we aim to keep our communications over the phone with prospective clients and when we do meet in person, we try to coordinate our meetings and recces when we are already in the area. 

Tiny's team all share a common understanding and desire to prioritise sustainability.

Did you know that 2% of global carbon emissions come from data storage centres? This is why we erase our footage after 2 years (unless agreed otherwise) of it being on our server to make sure that we have as little impact on this statistic as possible.